This is one of the very first pictures in my camera roll. I love still lives. Although I won't betray all the other types of paintings and say its my favorite, it is really up there. This is super simple but the brown in the table and in the background really does it for me. It goes with the warm flowers nicely.
Similar to the spaces project. This is another animal in the wilderness. The object here is the deer with its surrounding home.
He's sinking! Oh god he's sinking!
I'm a big board gamer. Even though I'm not very good I love looking at board games and smelling cards and I absolutely love the aesthetics of Settlers of Catan. Here the object is the green set of roads + city with its landscape background. P.S. I absolutely love maps. Old looking fantasy maps take the cake. Catan reminds me of that
These are two pictures I took at work over the Summer. I feel like I am always finding little compositions in the world around me. I think I looked a pretty ridiculous to my coworkers, taking pictures of apples and water cups. Something about the background and the feel of everything seemed documentable. Especially that ice in the water cup.
Museums are probably my favorite places on the planet. Something I like doing is looking to the sides, especially with abstract art. Often the sides of a canvas are as interesting as the front.
Bonus: Here's the painting from the front
To me, it looks like the snowman in the front is slouching over. These are his final hours. Trying to hold on. Deteriorating. Clutching life itself. (sorry that got dark). And his friend. They seem confused and/or distract. Is this in their future too?
Messing with light on objects is very interesting. Here the object is a fake head on the left which is almost all in shadow. The background is cluttered which I thought was cool. I really enjoyed playing with depth and distance of my object and how near/close it would be.
Different shot with different lighting and a more clear view of the head. In these two pictures I feel like they are a guard for something. The sentry of the theater department.
Same object in three different states. This makes me feel sad honestly. I know it's a liberal-arts-college-dweeb thing to say but farces me to think of time passing. Nothing much changing. A timescape of gray background on this ever-changing, yet ever-the-same object.
I went back to the library. This is more messing around with depth. What do you think the two books are saying to each other? Are they just standing together awkwardly?
Some of my favorite movies are peaking out to say hello. In hind sight that Incredibles one is way to blatant.
And I close with more museum art. The atmosphere in general is another perk of a museum day. Things are quiet and slow. You have all the time in the world to figure out how an artist did this or that. How it makes you feel. Why they created it.
I like the photo with a head in dark, which is soooo interesting. And I also like the first photo, as you said the warm tone makes people feel nice. Also the light and color makes the artificial flowers have some dynamics and living sense.