Sunday, January 28, 2024
Objects in Spaces
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Kayla Bauer
I thought Kayla Bauer’s talk and her art was very relatable. The way she spoke and the way she
described her experience as she took these photos was what spoke to me the most. I was very
glad to hear that she experiments and works in multiple mediums. She isn’t just a photographer
even though that seems to be her base. It was nice to hear that she participates in other art
mediums to clear her mind. To refresh the slate. That seems like something I will want to keep
in mind as I move forward in the next set of years.
I also like that her photos had a lot of personality in them. I can tell that this person likes pink just
by looking at her portfolio. It’s nice that she spoke about photographing what she wanted rather than
what seemed the most “serious” for serious photographers. Her work is a great example of how
interests like stuffed animals and animated tv shows can be seen under a serious artist lens just as
much as anything else.
This was my favorite photo of her's. The framing and the concept of pink as she brought up in her talk
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
10 (11) Spaces
For this post I have a variety of things...
I Love tables. Round tables and long tables. It makes me think of council meetings and shit. This is my favorite room in Memorial and the light looked nice today.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
3 Objects
Each of these three objects were chosen both as an aesthetic object to simply look at and appreciate, but also as a visualization of extra emotions that may come from looking at each object. The more you think, the more you might feel.
The first is a Carboy with fermenting mead in it. I am obsessed with the thought of all the biological processes going on inside the gallon jug. It seems that there is a whole world in there and I imagine it all being so interesting. Also its a pretty color. The foam at the top is just extras from the fermentation process
The second object is a library book from Mudd. Every time I walk through there I see so many beautiful books and so I thought I'd pick one to photograph. The title had almost nothing to do with my choice of book. I'm more interested in the extra information that the object carries with it. Books always have a lot.
Final Installation
My final project was an installation on maps; although it would not look that way on first glance. the work is about creatively generating ...
This is here so we have a poster-child. I will talk about it later My final project will have something to do with maps. There are two dif...
I thought Kayla Bauer’s talk and her art was very relatable. The way she spoke and the way she described her experience as she took these p...
For this mock-up I first sought out to find some spots on campus that I thought would be a good place for my installation. I wanted to find ...